Wizkers API access in server mode

When running on a server, you can also interact with it using a REST API, so that all the data from the server can be queried/streamed to external systems.

Live recording

Wizkers exposes a public "live recording" API, which lets you query data that is currently being recorded. The syntax is as follows

/live/:id/:period with id being the instrument ID, and period being in minutes - get the live recording for the last period minutes.

Low level API access

You can access the low level RESTFUL API of Wizkers using the standard authentication mechanism that is used by the Wizkers front-end web app. The simple Shell script below demonstrates how to get a list of instruments in JSON format.


## Example of Wizkers authentication then API request

## Save cookies to the "cookies.txt" file
curl --cookie-jar cookies.txt -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8090/login -d "{\"email\": \"admin\", \"password\": \"abc123\"}"

## Now you can do queries:
curl --cookie cookies.txt -X GET http://localhost:8090/instruments

Listing instruments

You can get a list of all instruments registered in a Wizkers instance by doing an HTTP GET to /instruments/ . Note that this returns all instruments contents, not only a list of references.

Example below:

    "uuid":"00000000 (n.a.)",
    "comment":"enter your notes here",
    "uuid":"00000000 (n.a.)",
    "comment":"enter your notes here",
    "uuid":"00000000 (n.a.)",
    "comment":"enter your notes here",

Instruments details

Returns one instrument's details (http GET):


Listing logs for an instrument

You can get all the logs for a given instrument by doing a GET on /logs :



Log download

The contents of a log are returned with (http GET):


Each log record contains two keys:

       "data":{"uniqueID":"00000000 (n.a.)"},

